Homer Electric is proud to sponsor our 3rd Energy Efficiency & Conservation Student Contest for grades kindergarten through eight. HEA invites students to enhance their skills in science, writing and technology by entering the contest held in conjunction with the 2012 Energy & Conservation Fairs in November.
The contest categories are:
- Kindergarten, Grade 1 & 2 - Coloring contest
- Grade 3 & 4 - Energy limerick poem
- Grades 5 & 6 - Song lyrics or game
- Grades 7 & 8 - Script for a play/TV show
Entries and registration form should be postmarked no later than
October 26, 2012. For more information on contest rules, prizes and to download an entry form, go to
HEA Energy Efficiency & Conservation Contest link. Contact Tanya Lautaret at 283-2305 or
tlautaret@homerelectric.com for details.